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Identifying Refrigerant Leaks in Your AC Equipment

Summer in the Atlanta area can be stifling, making dependable air conditioning a virtual necessity. Unfortunately, battling the heat and humidity can really take a toll on your cooling system. If sudden AC issues have left you sweating, it’s important to check for signs of AC refrigerant leaks.

Poor Efficiency

For minor AC refrigerant leaks, one of the first places you might notice a problem is your utility bill. To maintain optimal performance, your air conditioner’s refrigerant system is designed to operate at a specific pressure level. When that level changes, your AC system becomes less effective at absorbing, transporting, and releasing heat energy. To compensate, your system has to run more frequently and for longer periods. Over time, the result is often an unexpected spike in energy consumption and a bigger monthly bill.

Loss of Cooling Power

As one of the most common air conditioning problems, AC refrigerant leaks can make your home extremely uncomfortable. A leaky AC system often takes longer to cool your home and may never reach your setpoint on particularly hot days. A system that’s low on refrigerant may also struggle to control humidity, making you feel hotter and negatively impacting your indoor air quality.

Frozen Evaporator Coil

As your air conditioner runs, it pumps refrigerant through a series of tubes known as an evaporator coil. The refrigerant rapidly expands and cools, allowing it to absorb heat from the surrounding air. If the refrigerant level is too low, however, it may not absorb enough heat energy. In addition to compromising your AC’s cooling power, this can also cause your evaporator coil to freeze over. A frozen evaporator coil is a sure sign that your air conditioner needs immediate attention.

A leaky air conditioning system is a pressing issue that should be addressed by a professional service technician. If you suspect AC refrigerant leaks in your Atlanta home, call Ful-Bro Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. for speedy air conditioning repairs.

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