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It’s Not Too Late To Get Your Heater Tune-Up for Winter

The costliest utility for homeowners is electricity, typically from running your heater. In fact, according to the United States Department of Energy’s latest statistics, the average monthly residential electricity bill in 2013 was $110.21. Residents in Chamblee, Georgia, pay higher than that average, in a range between $110 and $125 per month.

If you’re looking for ways to conserve energy and cut costs in your home, the first thing you should assess is your HVAC system’s efficiency. And remember, an HVAC system that isn’t maintained will cost you more in the long run.

A Tune-Up Helps Your HVAC System Operate More Efficiently

While implementing energy-saving tips will also help you cut your monthly electricity costs, like changing your lights to LEDs and unplugging unused electronics, tuning up your HVAC system is the number-one way to ensure it not only operates efficiently but helps your home lower its energy consumption.

A Tune-Up Helps Prolong Your HVAC System’s Life

Think of your HVAC system like your car. Another benefit of tuning it up seasonally is that it prevents major breakdowns. This also helps your HVAC system last longer. Not only do you save money by not having to replace an HVAC system as frequently, but you also save by avoiding the costs associated with major repairs.

Invest in a Maintenance Plan To Ensure You Tune Your HVAC System Up

When you invest in a preventive maintenance plan, you ensure your HVAC system operates as efficiently as possible by reducing run times, restoring system capacities and improving humidity control. While it’s an initial investment, it’s one that pays for itself in no time.

For more information about how to optimize your air conditioner and heater maintenance, learn about the different ratings associated with your system or contact us at (678) 369-0500. Our team of HVAC specialists is standing by to provide the best comfort solutions in Chamblee, Georgia, and ensure every homeowner has a healthy heating and cooling system.

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